Cheap Central Coast Removalists

Is Surfside Removals and Storage the cheapest removalist on the NSW Central Coast? Many of our satisfied clients think so:

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Finding cheap removalists on the Central Coast without compromising quality. Striking the right balance…

When Surfside Removals and Storage was established in 2013, our primary aim wasn’t to be the cheapest Central Coast removalist; however, our clients often refer to us as such.

Our unwavering focus has always been to earn the reputation of being the most trusted removalists in the region. We pride ourselves on fair pricing, professional service, and complete transparency in all our interactions with clients.

Fast forward over a decade, and our hundreds of genuine 5-star Central Coast Removalist reviews speak volumes about our commitment. While we don’t make claims of being the most affordable, we guarantee that our pricing policy is fair and reasonable for the high-quality removal services we provide. Whenever it’s feasible, our meticulous in-home removal consultations ensure accurate quotes, leaving no room for hidden extras or surprises. On move day, you’ll have complete peace of mind knowing exactly what to expect.

Requesting quotes from removalist companies

If your budget is a major driver of your decision to engage a removalist (and, naturally, it’s going to be), ensure when requesting removals quotes from other Central Coast removalists that they provide you with full and comprehensive details regarding your move, including:

  • the size of your home,
  • any difficulties with access (e.g. slope/gradient of the property, the number of stairs and/or elevator access, overhanging trees or wires, parking limitations etc.)
  • the number and type of items to be moved, plus
  • any additional services you require, e.g. packing, storage etc. 

Be clear about your budget and ask for a breakdown of the costs involved.

When comparing quotes, consider the pricing structure, including any additional fees or surcharges. While it’s important to find an affordable option, be cautious of quotes that seem too good to be true. Extremely low prices may indicate subpar services or hidden costs that could add up later. A balance between affordability and quality is key.

Tips for saving money on your next move

In addition to finding an affordable removalist company, there are several other ways you can save money on your move. Consider these tips to further reduce your expenses:

  1. Purge unwanted items: Before packing, take the time to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. This will not only reduce the number of items to be moved but also save you money on packing materials and transportation costs.
  2. Pack yourself (ideally, using free boxes – see Surfside Removals’ free moving boxes offer here): If you have the time and resources, consider packing your belongings yourself. This can save you money on packing services, but make sure to pack efficiently and securely to avoid any damage during transit.
  3. Plan your move during off-peak seasons: Moving during the off-peak season can result in lower prices and more availability from removalist companies.
  4. Opt for a midweek move: Weekends and public holidays are popular times for moving, which can lead to higher prices. If possible, schedule your move on a weekday to take advantage of potentially lower rates.

Finding a fair-priced removalist on the Coast, without sacrificing professionalism

Before finalising your decision, take the time to thoroughly research the removalist companies on your shortlist. Read online reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge their experiences. Look for consistent positive feedback regarding reliability, professionalism, and the overall quality of services provided.

You can view Surfside Removals and Storage’s glowing reviews on our Google Business and Facebook pages.

Final tips for finding low-priced Central Coast removalists

In conclusion, finding affordable removalists on the Central Coast is possible with careful research and consideration. Prioritise reliability and reputation when choosing a removalist company, and compare quotes from multiple companies to secure the best deal. Remember to negotiate prices and consider additional services that may enhance your moving experience. By following these steps and implementing money-saving tips, you can make your move more affordable and stress-free. Good luck with your upcoming move!


Moving tips: Ineligible and dangerous items

Moving tips: Ineligible and dangerous items

For your safety and ours, there are numerous items that are prohibited from being carried in our removals vehicles or stored at our secure Central Coast storage facility. These include flammable, explosive or toxic items such as gas bottles, aerosol cans, swimming pool treatments, pesticides, oils, cleaning solvents, paint or fertilisers (a comprehensive list of items, listed alphabetically, appears below).

Perishable items such as foodstuff and delicate items including pot plants are permitted however alternative, more closely monitored transport may be preferred. And please mark boxes accordingly if they contain fragile items.

If moving plants is unavoidable, it’s suggested you refrain from watering them in the week leading up to your move and place pots in waterproof bags that will contain spillover of soil or water.

Please, if you have any doubts about the safe transport of items in your possession, please set them aside and bring them to the attention of our removals team, or phone us on 1300 00 6683 for advice.

Disposal of hazardous materials

Most local councils have facilities or special days set aside for disposal of hazardous materials.

If you reside on the Central Coast, please follow this link for more information:

List of prohibited items: A – Z:

Please note: Credit for the compiling of this list should be attributed to Move Central, San Diego. You’ll find a link to the article here (recommended reading):

Batteries (of any kind)
Denatured or rubbing alcohol
Fingernail polish
Fire extinguishers
Household cleaners containing ammonia or other volatile substances
Lighter fluid
Motor oil
Oxygen tanks
Paint strippers/thinners
Photography developing
Poisonous chemicals
Polish remover
Pool cleaning chemicals including chlorine
Pyrotechnic devices
Weed killers
Moving tips: Moving house with pets

Moving tips: Moving house with pets

Moving home is a stressful time. Thankfully, we’ll usually have weeks or months to prepare. But, spare a though for your beloved pets who crave routine and thrive in stable environments. Although they’ll sense that something is amiss, they’ll have no idea their world is about to be upended. So, once a decision has been made to move, and a new property found, you should involve your furry friends in the process. Here are some tips to help ease the angst.

Before moving

When you start cleaning and clearing rooms, leave the pets’ quarters until last. This will provide them with a safe refuge and some normality amid the chaos of packing boxes, moving and dismantling furniture, and will reduce the severity and duration of their anxiety.

If your pets are accustomed to travelling in a car, take them along to any property inspections – restrained, of course. This way they can take in the sights, sounds and smells of their new environment so when your move day arrives, the initial shock will be lessened.

Alternatively, consider taking along some old bedding to leave behind until you take up residence. There’s nothing as familiar, comforting or welcoming to a pet as its own scent. Toys, litter trays, scratching pads, dog beds and kennels are also well suited.

Lastly, when inspecting new properties, don’t forget to be on the lookout for potential hazards – busy roads, roaming neighbourhood dogs, inadequate fencing etc.

Move day

Consider having your pets minded. Animals are not only adept at detecting changes in their environment, but they’re also very good at sensing changes in your mood. So, if you’re anxious – they’ll be anxious. And they’ll respond in either of the following two ways:

  1. They’ll stay close to you in which case they’re likely to get underfoot and trip you down the stairs as you’re cradling your fragile keepsakes; or
  2. They’ll make themselves scarce – usually escaping through a door left open by your removalists to allow easy access. Consider the inconvenience and cost of scouting around your former neighbourhood searching for your wayward pooch or pussy when deadlines are tight or you’re paying by the hour.

At your new home


Familiar toys and familiar routines will make for a smooth transition between homes. This applies to walks, mealtime, playtime and sleep time. It’s advisable to get them out walking as early as possible so they can become acquainted with their new neighbourhood. And don’t forget to update ID tags, microchip and council registration info as soon as possible.

To create positive associations with your new home, consider introducing some new toys and treats and hide them around your house and yard to be discovered in the days and weeks that follow.


To avoid your cats becoming disoriented and lost, popular advice is to keep them indoors for several days up to a few weeks. During this time allow them to roam freely indoors and leave curtains and window coverings pulled back so they can familiarise themselves with the backyard and the landscape beyond your fenceline.

As an early introduction to the outdoors, consider walking your cat around the perimeter on a leash. It may be a new experience for the both of you, but it does serve a useful purpose.

If and when you decide the time is right to let your cat loose, allow them to wander outside at their own pace by leaving a door or window open. Don’t push them out. If you’re concerned they’ll become lost, consider releasing them close to meal times. They’ll be less likely to wander too far away and will return when they’re hungry.

A bell around your feline friend’s neck may also provide some comfort to you knowing they’re close by, or will assist you to find them should they go roaming.

Butter on the paws – yes or no?

There is some discussion online related to buttering pussy’s paws on the first few occasions they venture out to assist your cat to track its own movements and trace its way back home. Unfortunately there’s no solid evidence that this works. In fact, a more likely outcome is that your cat will ingest a lot of greasy butter trying to clean itself, which may exacerbate existing bowel problems, which are common due to anxiety.

Final word

If all else fails, or you’d value a second opinion, your veterinary clinic will be able to assist you with advice and/or appropriate medications to make your move with pets a stress-free experience.

Recommended reading:

Contact Us

Surfside Removals & Storage
ABN: 20 165 639 207

1300 00 MOVE
(1300 00 6683)

or 02 4321 0153
3/5 Daintree Place
West Gosford, NSW 2250
 Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon – Fri
(Closed Sundays)

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